sâmbătă, 2 martie 2013

Replici memorabile din filme

Tuturor ne plac filmele. Comedii, actiune, science fiction, romantice, istorice, documentare, drame, aventuri, thrillere, filmele si arta cinematografica reprezinta ce'a de'a saptea arta a lumii si una din activitatile placute de petrecere a timpului. Din filmele pe care le vedem, reusim sa retinem mai usor anumite replici ce ar putea constitui mesajul filmului sau pur si simplu sunt niste replici inspirationale, motivationale si spirituale. Asta am cautat in filmele pe care le'am vizionat. Si am facut, astfel, o lista cu replicile care mi'au placut cel mai mult. Lista are un capat ..si e deschisa la noi sugestii. Ordinea e aleatorie.

1. The pursuit of happyness (2006) - You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you, you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. ( Christopher Gardner )

2. We bought a zoo (2011) - Something all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise to you, somethin' great will come of it. ( Benjamin Mee )

3. Tuck Everlasting (2002) - Dont be afraid of death. Be afraid of unlived life. ( Angus Tuck )

4. Freedom Writers (2007) - You are the heroes.You are the heroes every day. ( Miep Gies )

5.  The legend of 1900 (1998) - Cred ca oamenii de pe uscat pierd o groaza de timp intrebandu'se de ce. Vine iarna si de abia asteptati vara. Vine vara si traiti sub amenintarea iernii. Tot timpul urmariti vreun loc indepartat unde nu te afli si unde este intotdeauna vara. Nu'mi suna bine. ( T.D. Lemon 1900 )

6. Peaceful Warrior (2006) - Everyone wants to tell you what to do and what's good for you. They don't want you to find your own answers, they want to believe theirs. I want you to stop gathering informations from the outside and start gathering it from the inside.
-- Life has 3 rules: Paradox.: Life is a mistery..Don't waste time tryin' to figure it out; Humour... Keep a good sens of humour, especially about yourself. It's a strengh beyond all measure; and Change .. Know that nothing stays the same. (Socrates)

7. Zorba the greek (1964) - Life is trouble. Only death is not. To be alive is to undo your belt and look for trouble. ; If a woman sleeps alone, its putt a shame on all men; I'am not a man ? And is a man not stupid ? I'am a man, so I married. Wife, children, house, everything. The full catastrophe. ( Zorba ) :)

8. La vita e bella (1997) - You're serving. You're not a servant. Serving is a supreme art. God is the first servant. God serves men but he's not a servant to men. ( Eliseo Orefice )

9. Mar Adentro (2004) - Love is an impulse. You can't rationalize it. ( Rosa )

10. The great debaters (2007) - ''Who is the judge ? - The judge is God. - Why is he God ? - Because He decides who win or loses. Not my opponent. - Who is your opponent ? - He does not exist. - Why he doesn't exist ?? - Because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I speak !'' ( Mlevin Tolson & debaters )
'' St. Augustine said: '''An unjust law is not law at all. Which means I have a right, even a duty to resist. With violence or civil disobedience. You should pray I choose the latter.'' ( James Farmer Jr. )

11. Anna Karenina (2012) - You cant ask WHy about love. ( Vronsky )

Deocamdata, atat. O sa mai completez, pe parcurs.

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